Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Reflection [01.20.10]

She bends low over the still blue pool studying her reflection. It's not perfect. There is dirt from the journey, there is mess of her own doing, marks of imperfection--but behind it, beneath it, something shines. She can see it, she hopes others can as well. It is the love of her savior and blessings of His hands. She wants to do nothing to hide this, yet that's the message she receives so often. If only she'd do this one thing different....then, things would go so much better. 

She doesn't believe it. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Meeting the Measure & Truly Pursued [01.19.10]

In the desert place she waits, unsure of what surrounds her. A sense that comes and goes, flitting on the inconsistent wind is not enough to answer her questions. Pursuit, by one which is not true, is not her desire. From denials she’s grown far too tired. She realizes her standards are high, but she knows they are not unreasonable. She will wait. She has encountered the living breathing existence of her standards. So, she waits to be found. 

She's human, she grows weary in the wait, but yet she trusts. She knows God is in control, and if the sense that has overtaken her from time to time is true, she will rejoice in being found. If it is not, she will continue to trust, wait, and praise the Lord for his goodness and supreme knowledge.