Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sometimes Peace comes in Pieces

I lay back on my bed staring up at my ceiling, quietly thanking God for all He has blessed me with. There are people, friends and family who make life full. There are experiences…and then…then there is peace.

I have found myself conflicted within for awhile now…if it isn’t this, it’s that…and today, though my body feels weak and exhausted, and I fear I am getting sick…today I was given one more piece of peace.

God keeps speaking to me, through people and events. He keeps telling me that He’s watching out for me, that He really does love me. When I beg to move faster He asks rather than tells me, why I feel the necessity to rush things for today, when He is busy paving the way for me to find joy and happiness forever.

I am now ready to say I’m willing to wait. Before, I waited because I had no choice, but now I can honestly say to the Lord, I am ready should this be my time, but I am also willing to wait.

He knows best…and sometimes, when conflicted, instead of calming the storm all together at once, peace comes in pieces. And that’s alright.

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