Monday, November 29, 2010

On Praising God.

When my heart breaks,

when my spirit is weak,

when the rain falls on my face,

.......(yet) I will praise.

When my eyes fail,

When confusion clouds my view,

When my feet stumble

along the way,

.......(yet) I will praise.

When my hope crumbles,

when my faith is shaken,

when the blessings I believed in

get delayed,

.......(yet) I will praise.

For you alone are God,

you move the mountains in the night,

you calm the raging sea;

you are strong and mighty.

to my brokeness you give healing

to my blindness you offer sight,

you are loving, kind, and gentle.

When I am lonely, you are my companion.

When I am afraid, you are my refuge...

My friend in troubled times..

In confusion, you are my guide.

(for you alone are God).

So after the rain departs,

after the healing of my broken heart,

I will continue to praise.

(for you alone are God).

You have rescued me from my despair,

you have proved to always be there,

you have strenghtened me in my weakness,

and saw me through the storm.

So I will praise.

For you alone are God,

you move the mountains in the night,

you calm the raging sea;

you are strong and mighty.

to my brokeness you give healing

to my blindness you offer sight,

you are loving, kind, and gentle.

When I am lonely, you are my companion.

When I am afraid, you are my refuge...

My friend in troubled times..

In confusion, you are my guide.

(for you alone are God).

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